greatest mystery of the american southwest

Chaco Canyon

About 1300 A.D. The Anasazi People "Vanished" But What Really Happened?

anasazi ruins of chetro ketl from above in chaco canyon

Unlocking the Secrets of Chaco Canyon

Step into the ancient world of the Anasazi, the ancestral Puebloans of the American Southwest, and take a journey that brings the wonders of Chaco Canyon to life. You're about to be transported through time to experience the brilliance of a civilization that flourished in the harsh environments of what is now Northwest New Mexico.

Chaco Canyon was the epicenter of Anasazi culture from AD 850 to 1150, renowned for its monumental public and ceremonial buildings, intricate road system, and advanced astronomical observatories. Its carefully constructed architecture, aligned with celestial bodies, the cycles of the moon and sun, showcases a deep understanding of astronomical phenomena and a complex society that was deeply connected with the rhythms of the earth and sky.

The Uniqueness of Chaco Canyon

This journey into Chaco Canyon offers more than just facts; it provides an understanding of the Anasazi people—their ingenuity, spirituality, and resilience. You'll discover how they engineered multi-story stone complexes, like Pueblo Bonito, without the wheel or metal tools, and how they sustained their in a land of extreme weather with innovative agricultural and water conservation techniques. 

Engage with the past through an interactive simulation that recreates the grandeur of Chaco Canyon's ancient buildings and the mystery of its celestial observatories. Experience firsthand the architectural wonder of the Great Houses and delve into the purpose behind the enigmatic roads and kivas. Explore the "Sun Dagger," a fascinating celestial calendar that marks the solstices and equinoxes with stunning accuracy, the prime example of the Chacoans' connection with the cycles of the sun and moon.

chaco culture welcome sign in chaco canyon, new mexico
chaco canyon book and computer game bundle image

Experience Chaco Canyon For Yourself

Embark on a captivating expedition into the heart of the ancient Southwest with the "Chaco Canyon" bundle. This unparalleled collection opens the door to the world of the Anasazi, those fascinating and enigmatic people who suddenly "vanished" in 1300 AD. Situated in the rugged and unforgiving landscape of the American Southwest, Chaco Canyon is the crown jewel of the Anasazi legacy, highligted by their sophisticated architecture and profound celestial knowledge.

Through this carefully curated bundle, you are invited to traverse time and space, immersing yourself in the enigmatic world of Chaco Canyon. This journey is not merely an educational endeavor; it's an enthralling experience designed to captivate your senses and ignite your imagination.

Engage with the past and explore the canyon and its treasures in a 3D re-creation the grandeur of Chaco Canyon's ancient buildings and the mystery of its celestial observatories. Experience firsthand the architectural wonder of the Great Houses and delve into the purpose behind the enigmatic roads and kivas. Explore the "Sun Dagger," a fascinating celestial calendar that marks the solstices and equinoxes with stunning accuracy, shedding light on the Chacoans' profound connection with the cosmos.

The Chaco Bundle Includes:

"Anasazi of Chaco Canyon" Book: Dive deep into the history, culture, and mysteries of the Anasazi with this compelling read. Available for Kindle and other devices at just $9.99.

Audiobook Version: The book comes to life in the audiobook version, narrated by Bo Carson, capturing the essence of Chaco Canyon's enchanting history. Valued at $14.95.

"Anasazi of Chaco Canyon" Computer Game/Simulation: Step into the past with this highly detailed simulation game for Mac or PC. At $47, it's your ticket to explore, excavate, and rebuild the Great Houses of Chaco Canyon in stunning 3D.

Bonus Offer: With any purchase, receive the digital book "Edward Abbey Where Art Thou" and its audiobook version for an additional dive into captivating stories at $9.99 and $14.99, respectively.

All for just $27 available as an instant download.

map of chaco canyon great houses

An In-Depth Look at the Computer Game

Let's take a look at some of the features of the computer game. Actually we hesitate to call it just a game, as there is so much more involved. When combined with the book, you'll come away with an in-depth understanding of Chaco Canyon.


All 14 major Chacoan buildings have been faithfully re-modeled in 3D. Excavate the ruins, find priceless artifacts, and the secrets of each Great House are revealed to you.

The Amazing
"Sun Dagger"

This program has a working 3D model of the Sun Dagger. Simply put in any date and time, and see how the play of light and shadows appeared!

3d models of actual chaco artifacts

More than 40 artifacts have been reconstructed in 3D for you to excavate. Includes replicas of many important items uncovered during the early days of Chaco archaeology.

virtual 3d Archaeology

To unlock the secrets of Chaco Canyon, you'll need to excavate the Great Houses, and find realistic Anasazi artifacts and objects.

day / night cycles

The canyon is faithfully reproduced. As you move around the landscape and architecture, watch the patterns of sun and moon, and the shadows they create for any date or time.

Supports Four Languages

Includes English, German, French, and Spanish versions.

anasazi computer game walkthrough image

Program Walk Through

A time-lapse video of Chaco Canyon greets you at the Main Menu.

anasazi video game walkthrough image

The Settings Screen

Lets you choose the language, and choose from a selection of background music tracks.

Progress Screen

Shows our current progress. We have excavated Penasco Blanco, Casa Chiquita, Pueblo Bonito, and Chetro Ketl. The “Learn Button” tells you the story of that Great House, and the secrets you uncovered while excavating it. First, let’s check out our “Inventory”

Inventory. What have we found so far?

Our inventory screen shows all the artifacts we have unearthed so far, with information and a 3D view. Note: These are 3D replicas of ACTUAL treasures found in Chaco Canyon and across the Anasazi range! Now, let’s go back to “Current Progress” and choose “Play Game”

chaco canyon game map

Where to?

You can choose where to want to excavate next from the “Current Progress” screen, or click on a Great House from the main map. Let’s choose Chetro Ketl.

chetro ketl great house ruins

Time to Explore and Excavate

We can see Chetro Ketl has three areas that need to be excavated. Let’s click on one of them and get started.

3d archaeology example

Let's Clear the Brush and Debris

This room is covered in 800 years of dust and debris. Use the shovel to start digging and exploring, first by removing the weeds and shrubs.

Let's Carefully Start Digging

The excitement builds with each layer of dirt removed.....

continuing the chaco canyon dig


We may have found something! We’ll use the magnifying glass to zoom in on the spot and get a closer look.

finding anasazi pottery in chaco canyon


It looks like we have indeed found something, and it looks like an intact pottery jar. Choose from among your tools; trowel, pick, or brush. Here, we’ll gently brush away the dirt and dig around the artifact. Careful!

brushing dirt away from an anasazi pottery jar

Choose your tools with care

Gently brushing away the dirt…….


Once all artifacts are recovered from an excavation area, you can move on to the next. You'll never know what you're going to find......

Revealing the Secrets...

Once we have excavated all the rooms, we will have learned the story of the Great House, and now have the information necessary to see it in restored condition.

fly with the ravens over fajada butte in chaco canyon

Fly with the Ravens over Chaco Canyon

As you restore the ruins of Chaco, you can fly freely across the canyon, and see your progress as the great houses are restored.

chaco canyon game map

A Birds Eye View of Chaco Canyon

To enter “Free Fly” mode, click the button from the main map.

pueblo bonito in ruins

Pueblo Bonito in Ruins

Flying over the cliff behind Pueblo Bonito while it is still in ruined condition.

pueblo bonito restored

Pueblo Bonito Restored

Pueblo Bonito in restored condition.

fajada butte and the sun dagger

The "Sun Dagger" Ancient Astronomy

Let’s fly to Fajada Butte and see if we can find the legendary “Sun Dagger”

sun dagger slabs

Revealing the Secrets...

There it is! The three famous sandstone slabs that shape the light and helped the Chacoans determine Solstices and Equinoxes. Let’s peek behind the slabs and see if the petroglyphs are there.

sun dagger close up 1

Behind the Sandstone Slabs

Behind the three sandstone slabs, the spiral petroglyph. Let’s active the “Time of Day” Feature in the software by clicking on the clock button in the lower right of the screen.

sun dagger at equinox

Any Date, Any Time

Now, we can choose any date and time in history and see what the Sun Dagger actually displayed. Here, we’ve chosen the Winter Solstice in the year 1120, when Chaco was at its peak. It’s amazing to think of the Chacoan Sun Priest watching this very signal at this precise time and announcing to all that the days would begin to get longer.

pueblo bonito in chaco canyon

Chaco Canyon Revealed

Once we have excavated all the rooms of all the great houses, flown over the entire canyon, collected invaluable artifacts, and experienced the astronomical wonder of the Sun Dagger, we now have the necessary background to truly appreciate the Grandeur of Chaco Canyon.

the anasazi in pueblo bonito

Return any time you wish

No matter how many times you play the computer game, you'll find something new with every exploration. Sit in the great kiva of Casa Rinconada at sunrise on the Summer Solstice, and watch as the light streams through. It's like your own personal time machine.

Are You Ready to Experience Chaco Canyon?

Download The Chaco Bundle: $27

Digital Version of "Anasazi of Chaco Canyon" book by Kyle Widner, for Kindles or any e-reader. $9.99
Audiobook version of "Anasazi of Chaco Canyon", narrated by Bo Carson. MP3 for any device. $14.95
The full computer game "Anasazi of Chaco Canyon" for Mac or PC Computers. $47
Special Bonus: Book and Audiobook of "Edward Abbey, Where Art Thou" $9.99 + $14.95
Tremendous Savings: Valued at $96.88, available as an instant download for only $27, a 70% Savings!

I read the book and played the computer game before I went to Chaco Canyon. When I got there, it felt like I'd actually been there before!

Suzanne Peters, Denver

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